Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Make Mine a Royale with Cheese

I'm pretty addicted to music. I especially like electronic music that finds ways to twist the same ol' thump-a-thump into something unexpected, but have also been trying to dig more into rock and country as of late. Today I log-on to Y! Music Unlimited and am presented with a smorgasboard of recommended albums based from my ratings of other songs and albums I've listened to and was pleasantly surprised that of the 30 or so suggested, I hadn't heard of a good 20 of them. So how do I choose what to listen to? Nothing scientific-- if I like the name of the group, or the cover art, I go for it. (Once again, I must sing the praises of the online subscription-based music service-- any music fans out there, please do yourself a favor and get hooked up with one of them NOW!)

The recommendations included acts named M83, Super Furry Animals, Cosmic Gate, Supergrass, Elbow and Casting Crows-- who are these people? I dunno yet, but I'll be sure to report back. Presented with a plethora of groovy-sounding names, I settled on a group called Mint Royale, selected simply because I loved Samuel L Jackson's line from Pulp Fiction where he talks about what they call a Big Mac in Amsterdam-- a Royale with Cheese. Plus the cover art featured two space men-looking things on a pink background. Good enough.

You ever listen to an album for the first time and just can't believe how good it is? I've now listened to their latest album, 'See You in the Morning' 4 times since 4P this afternoon. They combine elements of house, funk, dancehall, and a bit of ethereal vocals into an intoxicating mix of sounds I can't get enough of. Imagine a more soulful Deep Dish. A less breathy Delerium. A sexier Dubtribe Sound System. Stir, and dig it.

Research turns up they are a pair of blokes from the UK (of course) who met at a party held by Jockey Slut magazine-- good things HAD to come from that. They mixed some songs in the late 90s and got picked up by notable DJs across the pond like Pete Tong and Boy George. This new album is their 3rd, and by my intense sampling of this one and brief listens of the other 2, the most balanced and mature. (Again, love that a subscription service enables this quick discovery and sampling)

These songs begged to be remixed and I found that the first single of this album, 'Wait for You' apparently already has few mixes out there. My favorite is track #9, the title track 'See You in the Morning'--I can only hope that will be the next single and find its way into capable remixer's hands. The song takes me to one of my more recent happy memories-- perched up on a hill overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge and Pacific Ocean with some of my best pals here in SF, and of course, I hadn't even heard it yet then! Don't you love it when music does that? I think that's one of the reasons I love music so much-- a simple song can take you back to a certain place or time in an instant. Like last night, the Cars 'Lets Go' comes on and I'm taken back to the drive to my senior prom singing the song out loud in my mom's car with my date and friends. I literally can see my date's (hideous) red dress moving as she happily danced in her seat to it and sang 'She got wonderful eyes... and a wrist and mouth...'. Or how our wedding song, Sister Hazel's 'Ceriline' can still make me cry like I did when it was the last song played that night. And so on--good stuff.

Just when I think there's no new sounds to find out there, here comes Mint Royale. Check 'em out... and go ahead, make it with cheese.


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean in terms of all the great music out there. For years, we thought good music was a thing of the past - but now, with the revolution of the internet times have changed. I almost get anxious when I think of all the good music out there that I have to discover still. On top of that, there are all the great bands you want to share with people.

One thing that has also changed is the advent of listening and discovering so much music now completely on your own. It's almost like music has become more solitary than ever as we discover our own niche bands, like Mint Royal. Thanks for putting the word out BJB - we need to pass on bands to explore.

Anonymous said...

rock on, benny. LOVE mint royale. you're too groovy.