Every game matters in the NFL and despite the Patriots' recent run, parity runs rampant in the league. No one would have predicted a Pittsburgh/Seattle Super Bowl this year and that's one of the things I love about the game. With the NFL, there are no endless string of meaningless games (hello baseball!), no disproportiante level of oversized egos that ruin the game (NBA) and a sport that more than just a few other people in the country follow (NHL). Years later when I went to school in Pittsburgh, I adopted the Steelers as my favorite team, as they continue to be. I've been to games in Pittsbugh, Washington, Baltimore, Buffalo, Tampa, San Francisco, Phoenix and Seattle. I'd like to go to every stadium in the country, but Christian asked if we could skip Kansas City and I said ok. Yes, I've been an NFL fan all of my life, something that has been made a bit more challenging since I have discovered that I'm gay, but my love with the game continues.
So as we roll into the Super Bowl weekend, I thought I'd share some of my favorite Super Bowl memories:
Super Bowl XX - After they dispatched of my Dolphins and became the first wild card team to win all road games to go to the Super Bowl, I really wanted the 85 Patriots to give the Bears a run for their money. As I mentioned before, I always seem to root for the underdog. Probably because of their overwhelming popularity, I was pretty tired of Jim McMachon, the Fridge, etc etc. and their Super Bowl Shuffle. Final score? Chicago 46, New England 10. No one said rooting for the underdog was easy.
Super Bowl XXV - Say 'wide right' to any sports fan and he will immediately think of this game, where Bills kicker Scott Norwood just missed a kick at the end of the game to win it for Buffalo. This was my junior year in high school, and my whole group congregated in the basement of my friend Jason's parents house. There were probably 20 or so of us crowded to watch the game and as Norwood's kick went up and just missed, we were all jumping up and down in excitement. However, there wasn't much room to do that and one of my friends ended up putting a hole in the ceiling with his head. And Norwood thought he was in pain!
Super Bowl XXX- My senior year of college in Pittsburgh and the Steelers were finally back in the Super Bowl to win 'one for the thumb', or a 5th championship since the 4 they notched in the 70s. Living in Pittsburgh was INSANE at the time-- you couldn't go anywhere without seeing black and gold or hearing people talking about it. I remember being at the grocery store when the Steelers fight song came on the music system and pretty much everyone in the store was singing right along. My roommate and I had a gang over to watch the game and it was very exciting. Alas, due to a poor special teams outing and a few interceptions, the Steelers were never much in it. Already down at halftime, the group at the house was looking for something to give them a sign of hope. And there it was- in the form of Diana Ross, the halftime performer. As Ms Ross sang her song, my friend Jen Kelly suddenly cried--'There it is... she's wearing gold............ and she's black!" Priceless.
Super Bowl XXXIV- So I had come out of the closet and suddenly found myself surronded by people who didn't know the first thing about football. I decided to throw a party we dubbed 'Super Butch' and try to get my friends excited about the game. I had to break it down to the point of explaining what a first and ten meant and that a field goal was three points as opposed to a touchdown being six points with an extra point being one. The game ended up having one of the most breathtaking finishes in history--St Louis stopped Tennesee a yard and a half shy of a tieing touchdown on the last play of the game-- but the excitement level just wasn't the same when watching the game with a group of people for whom it was the same as watching a foreign movie with no subtitles. A few weeks later, one of those friends would invite me to a party to watch the Oscars and I couldn't imagine why people would get together to watch that. Much like I'm sure they thought about getting together to watch a football game.
I'm hoping that Super Bowl XL will be added to this list when the Steelers finally get that one for the thumb. So till Super Sunday, GO STEELERS!
mmmm . . . benny, i love it when you talk football. all those mens in tight pants and butt slappin and grabbin and squeezin and lovin . . . ok, wll not that last part. anyway, it's just fabulous, that football thing you were talking about! although we could do something about those garish color schemes. and what about dousing the winning coach with *glitter* instead of gatorade? now, that would be more festive.
GO STEELERS!!! One for the thumb. Since my Browns are YEARS away from a championship I am forced to cheer for the Steelers. I missed most of the game but all that matters is the Steelers won.
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