10) They are just so freaking cool

9) I got tired of being the only designer in the world who doesn't use one for his primary computer
8) The latest ads are hilarious (and convincing)
7) Garage Band will allow me to make my own mixes and podcasts (coming soon!)
6) I was pretty tired of CTRL + ALT + DELETE
5) The 24" monitor really is stunning
4) Derek & Lem and Phil & Ted and especially Alex each have one and, frankly, that bothered me
3) All of the main stuff I used on the PC (iPod, music, photos, etc) I was able to easily transport over
2) I've wanted one for over 5 years
1) Did I mention how freaking cool they are??
So this is the first of hopefully many blog entries and other creations to come that will be created on my new Mac. I'm happy to finally be part of the club!
Whatevs. Like I'm jealous.
Maybe I am.
A little.
I hate you.
welcome to the club...er...cult. i guess incessant needling works. first, i got you to get a 415 cell phone number before you even moved to SF and now you go nuts and splurge on the 24" iMac. Did I tell you that i am on the inital shipping list for a Nintendo Wii which I'm planning on having mounted in my new Aston Martin DB9?
bitch, please.
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